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BP2364XN is a high precision non-isolated APFC buckLED driver, specially designed for universal mains withconstant current control. BP2364XN operates in CriticalConduction Mode to reduce the switching loss andoptimize the EMl. BP2364XN remove the VCC capacitor, COMP capacitorand Rcs resistor to simplify the external BOM. And itutilizes specific current detection, with few externalcomponents, it achieves high precision output current,excellent line regulation and load regulation.
    • Active-PFC for High PF and Low THD

    • No VCC and COMP capacitorCritical

    • Conduction Mode Operation

    • LED Short Protection

    • LED Open Protection (OVP resister ADJ)

    • Enable function is compatible with switch colorand sensor light

    • Cycle by Cycle Current Limit

    • Thermal Regulation Function

    • Available in ASOP8 Package

  • LED Bulb
  • LED Tube
  • Other LED Light
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